Weekend Watches January 24 2025

This week we've got an epic drive through South America, some retro racing from 1973, a ropey video about the Alfa GTA 1300 Junior, Ford's biggest failure and racing's biggest failures.
Canadian couple Matt and Stacey (not sure you could be more Canadian with those two cheery names) drive their self-built Toyota LandCruisier "Chinook" from Canada all the way to Ushuaia in Argentina. That's a long drive.
They posted all this to their channel Toyota World Runners and then stitched it all together in a single video. Which explains the repetitive use of "fell in love" and "unbeknown to us." It looks great, though.
The Australian Touring Car Championship – precursor to the modern-day Supercars series – has had many guises. Here is the Warwick Farm round from 1973, with Toranas, Chargers and Falcon hardtops battling it out in the wet.
Some incredible history with names like Brock, Bond and Goss falling out of the very calm, cool and collected commentary. Oh, and it looks horrifyingly dangerous.
German YouTube channel Garagengold brings us the Alfa Romeo GTA 1300 Junior story. The AI dubbing is pretty cringey, but you get the picture. You can go back to the original German but there aren't any subtitles, so you're kind of stuck with the dubbing. Worth it for this little gem, though.
Corsicar – home of the sarcastic car video – brings us the story of the Premier Automotive Group. I made an oblique reference to PAG in my Emira and Jaguar stories so it's worth raking over the stinking coals of this debacle.
And the ambitious Roflwaffle brings us a long autopsy on a bunch of dead racing series. Bravo, I say.
And that's it for this week. If you're in Australia, enjoy the long weekend and I'll see you next weekend. For the next few weeks I'll be travelling on holidays, so we'll see what I can put together for you all.
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