Links We Like November 6 2024

Today we have a pretty awesome Maserati revival, a Tesla stuck between a rock and a hard place, crushing disappointment for GR86 fans and Tesla running out of buyers for its worst model.
The really rather excellent Keith Adams at CAR has news of a Maserati restomod that I was instantly charmed by. Better be given it's €500,000...

Over at Electrek, they have the story of a bricked Tesla stuck in a very narrow parking space. Writer Jameson Dow has the details on a dodgy over-the-air update mixed with an ambitiously parked car. He does talk a bit of nonsense about full-self driving capability but the story itself is amusing.
I kind of feel sorry for the owner but I'd trust Kia's keyfob-based roll-forward/roll-back solution anyday.

M'colleague Alex Misoyannis at has some good news and some bad news about a Toyota GR86.
Torque News' Tinsae Aregay has an interesting story about Tesla running out of Cybertruck buyers. This is fairly predictable really, but the headline figure of how many people actually bought the thing compared to the number of reservations.
I am not sad about this. The fewer of these things on the road the better.

And that's Links We Like for today. Normal service is slowly resuming after a couple of weeks on the road. Don't forget to sign up for the email list so you don't miss a thing.